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Snapshot of the entire business at a glance
Visiology is a cutting-edge business intelligence platform that helps to collect, analyze and visualize large volumes of data.
Дебиторская задолженность
Get information about all aspects of your business in the form of interactive dashboards.
Мониторинг персонала
Доля выручки филиалов
Visiology makes complicated data intuitive.
Создание дашборда
Spend less time and resources preparing data. Save it for data analysis.

Set up data collection once, create a dashboard and get updated analysis every day!
Spend time only on significant tasks
Get up-to-date information faster from corporate applications or external sources. Use the analytical insight to make timely decisions.
Работа аналитической платформы
Make important decisions on time
ViTalk* is a personal virtual analyst.

ViTalk* is always available and provides necessary information in response to plain language questions.
Виртуальный аналитик
Запрос к платформе
* The solution works on the basis of AI (Natural Language Processing)
Just ask ViTalk
Try it now!
Check out how the system works! Try the interactive dashboard below!
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Learn more about the benefits of the Visiology BI platform
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"Due to the Visiology BI integration our company got a powerful
platform for tender and procurement analysis with
an opportunity to build interactive dashboards immediately
both for our processes or our customers that place
procurement procedures at our pitching engine."
Our clients
Sytin D.A.
CEO of TEK-Torg
Сытин Д.А.
Свердловская область
Ульяновская область
МРСК Северо-запада
Министерство транспорта МО
Волгоградская область
Electronic trading platform TEK-Torg,
section of PJSC Rosneft Oil Company